2.1赛票(含包厢、围场证等相关凭证,下同)一经售出推广方将不接受任何形式的退换补票要求。请通过赛事推广方指定渠道获取赛票,以盈利为目的的赛票再转让不受法律保护,并存在假票、盗票、旧票从而被拒绝入场或驱逐离场的风险。 推广方对于非指定渠道获取的赛票恕难承担保证其有效使用的法律责任。 2.1 As soon as a ticket (including but not limited to ticket, credential and/or pass of Grandstand Club and/or Paddock Club, the same hereinafter) is sold, Event promoter will not accept any request to refund, change, replace and re-issue it under any circumstance. Tickets shall be obtained through the channel designated by Event promoter. Any transference or resale of tickets for profit purpose will not be protected by laws and ticket purchasers are at the risk of getting counterfeit, stolen or used tickets which result in being refused to enter or expelled from the SAIC International Circuit. Therefore, the Event promoter shall not take the legal responsibility to guarantee the validity of these tickets mentioned above. 2.2购买或预订赛票时,购票者应填写订单,并提供真实、准确的信息;在确认购票者完成相应的支付后,售票方将向购票者交付赛票或相关确认凭证。 购票者在预订赛票时只能选择坐席区域,不能指定具体座位号。 推广方根据购票者提供的信息进行所有预订、购票、配送、领票以及检票入场程序的操作。如果由于上述信息不真实、不正确或无效所引致购票者的任何损失,推广方恕难承担。 2.2 When purchasing or booking tickets, a purchaser or booker shall finish the "FORMULA 1 CHINESE GRAND PRIX Ticket Order Form" properly and fill in true and correct information. When the ticket purchasing or booking procedure is finished properly, a relevant confirmation voucher or ticket will be delivered. Ticket purchasers can choose grandstands but cannot choose seats. The Event promoter will deal with the advance booking, ticket purchasing, ticket delivery, ticket pick-up and ticket check etc. according to the information filled or provided by ticket purchasers. Therefore, any loss caused by incorrect, untrue, or invalid information shall not be the responsibility of the Event promoter. 2.3购票费用分为赛票票价和依购票者所选配送、支付方式而形成的快递等中间相关费用(参见每年更新公布的票务信息),上述费用互不包含且均由购票者自理。除赛票票价由推广方收取外,其余费用由推广方代收或购票者直接向相关服务提供方支付。 用外币支付的,适用结算银行的支付当日实际交易汇率计算与人民币价格等值的应付外币金额。 2.3 The payment generated will include the ticket price and the relevant fess such as the ticket purchasing or booking fee and the delivery fee according to the purchasing or booking channel used (see Ticket Information published and updated every year). The above-mentioned fees are separate and shall be paid by ticket purchasers. Except the ticket price, which shall be charged by the Event promoter, other fees will be charged by the Event promoter on behalf of the service provider, or ticket purchaser can pay the service provider directly. In case of payment in foreign currency, the final price in foreign currency shall be equivalent to that in RMB, which shall be converted at the actual transaction exchange rate published by the bank of settlement on the date of payment. 2.4针对全日制在校大学生、轮椅观众、未满18周岁的未成年观众等的票务适用每年公布的特殊票务政策。 2.4 College Students (full-time), wheelchair spectators and minor children under 18 years old shall subject to the special terms and conditions for tickets which will be published every year. 2.5支付可以通过现金、信用卡、借记卡、支票、银行本票、银行汇票、电汇等金融工具实现。具体支付方式请与服务窗口工作人员洽商。 2.5 The payment may be through cash, credit cards and bank cards, bank check, cashiers' check, bill of exchange, credit warrant, wire transfer etc. The detailed payment shall be negotiated with the staffs of service window. 2.6 2019一级方程式喜力中国大奖赛指定票务渠道: 2.6 The designated ticket purchasing channels for Formula 1 Heineken Chinese Grand Prix are as follows: ※网络购票:官方票务网站 www.dashisai.cn,天猫店铺:楚烽票务专营店 ※电话购票:拨打票务热线4008630020。工作时间周一至周五上午9点至晚上5点。支付方式:现金,信用卡或借记卡。 ※赛场售票:赛事期间赛场将设有临时售票点,工作时间4月12日至14日9点至15点。现场可售票数量有限,售完为止。 ※Ticket counters in the SAIC International Circuit: Temporary ticket counters will be available in the SAIC International Circuit from 12 April to 14 April in business hours from 9 AM to 15 PM and the tickets will be limited available. ※代理分销商:您可以通过官方网站获取指定官方代理商及其营业信息。 ※Agents and distributors channel: The relevant information concerning to the designated official agents and distributors are available on the official website. 2.7 除早订优惠期外,网络及电话购票一般在购买成功后10个工作日内安排配送赛票,如果您未能在购买成功后10个工作日内收到赛票,请联系赛事推广方客服。 通过网络及电话以外其他渠道购票的以与代理商或现场约定为准。 因快递原因造成丢单赛事推广方将重新出票。 |